Provided by IMC! Peer Mentor: Erika Vandevelde

I have always had pets in my life. It wasn’t until I left for college that I realized how much having a pet meant to me. When I moved off campus my sophomore year, I started to think I wanted some type of furry companion. After looking into some of the expenses of having a dog or cat, I opted not to. This is not to say you should not get a dog or cat, but be smart and take into consideration the costs of owning a pet in college whether it be one-time expenses or those pesky extras that tend to be overlooked.
One-Time Expenses
When it comes to owning a dog or cat, most of the major expenses can be expected to occur in the first year of ownership. The ASPCA estimates that totals first year costs can be upwards of $1000, depending on the size of the dog.
- Adoption fee/cost: $0 - $1000
- Food and water dishes: $15
- Spay/Neuter: $200 - $350
- Initial medical exam: $75
- Collar/tag/leash/harness: $15 - $50
- Bed and Crate: $25 - $300
Total: $330 - $1790
TIP: Adopt don’t shop! Often times animal shelters/humane societies run adoption specials and you can adopt a dog or cat for free instead of paying large amounts from a breeder.
Annual Expenses
On top of the initial one-time expenses, owning a pet also comes with the recurring expenses as well. Some pet expenses are inevitable but these expenses that are reoccurring are easier to fit into a budget and plan for. Check out the It Makes Cents page for a monthly budget that includes pet expenses!
- Food: $120 - $600
- Vaccines and routine vet care: $60 - $550
- Heartworm and flea prevention: $60 - $375
- Treats and chews: $30 - $250
- Toys: $5 - $150
Total: $275 - $1925
In addition to basic expenses such as food and veterinary bills, there are many other routine or even unexpected expenses that can arise with your pets. You need to consider any pet related expenses that occur because of the events going on in your life, like travel plans (think Spring break!). Some of these expenses include:
- Professional grooming: $30-$125
- Self-service grooming: $10
- Training: $25-100/hour
- Boarding and travel fees: $50-$100/day
- Pet health insurance: $40/month
Total: $105-$375
TIP: Consider asking a friend or roommate to pet sit for you when traveling so you don’t have to pay for boarding expenses!
Grand Total: $710 - $4090
These are just a few things to consider when you are thinking about getting a pet. Having a pet is great as they can ease stress and teach responsibility but they also can be quite costly. Make sure you think about if you will be able to afford giving the pet a home that it deserves.
If you decide having a pet is something you really cannot afford while in college, consider visiting and volunteering at a local animal shelter. You can gain some experience and knowledge of the animals all while getting your pet fix In and giving back to the community. Take a look at the Coulee Region Humane Society located in Onalaska for volunteer opportunities!