Provided by IMC! Team Lead: Bo Bassindale

It is fair to say that the holiday season is often regarded as the best time of the year; however, it might not always feel that way when you’re faced with buying a bunch of presents for your friends and loved ones. As a college student, adding presents into your budget can often seem unachievable and can cause immense stress (especially if you wait until the last minute to get your gifts). That is why it is imperative to buy your gifts early and plan ahead! Spreading out the total expense of your gifts over time will be much more manageable and achievable as opposed to dropping a bag on it all at once. Additionally, supply chain issues have made shopping a total nightmare, so it is vital that you start shopping early to ensure your gifts come in time!
If you are an avid shopper, you are already well aware that Thanksgiving is followed by Black Friday and then Cyber Monday. On these two days, stores offer large discounts that make them much more affordable compared to their normal sale price. Historically on Black Friday, these discounts have and led to a frenzy of crazy shoppers fighting over products; however, in recent years, this has become less of an issue with the emergence of Cyber Monday. My advice to all of you readers is to utilize these two days to buy your holiday gifts! Below, I will be sharing some links to Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals and I encourage you to check them out! Your wallet and bank account will thank you later!
Links to Deals and Relevant Articles: