By: John McDonald
In our current world, energy demands are continuously increasing and every penny counts! Learning how to cut down on energy usage is not just beneficial for the planet but also for your wallet. This article provides you with great options, practical tips, some savvy strategies, and cost-effective solutions to lower your energy bill. As most students are renters, perhaps sharing a place with multiple roommates, being consistent on energy saving will save you big bucks in the long run.

Choose the Right Lightbulb
The first tip I cannot stress enough is the importance of LED lightbulbs. These lightbulbs consume up to 75% less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs. LED lightbulbs are also now affordable to easy to find in many hardware stores such as The Home Depot and Menards. For those who are renting, landlords might not necessarily have LED lightbulbs already installed on the property, especially if you must foot the utility costs. Check around your rental property and switch out outdated incandescent bulbs for LED to create huge cost savings.
Flip the Switch
Another tip that I have worked on to improve is the habit of turning off all lights and electronics when not in use. If you live in an apartment or house with multiple people, establishing this habit is easier said than done. But creating a rule like “Switch off when done” can help reduce your energy bill every period. Being mindful when leaving your home and making sure all lights and electronics are unplugged will reduce your energy bill and help save those big bucks.

Reduce water use
Moving over to water-saving practices. Reducing water usage will reduce your water bill every period. Saving water also reduces the amount of energy needed to heat the water, leading is increased gas or electric bill savings.
Easy ways to reduce your water and in turn electric/gas consumption:
Reduce your shower times. According to the EPA, standard shower heads use 2.5 gallons per minute. That means a 20-minute shower equates to 50 gallons!
Avoid pre-washing your dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. Including only running the dishwater on a full load.
Wash your clothes in cold water, this can save up to 50 cents per load while still cleaning effectively.
Block those drafts
Finally, draught-proofing your home can help reduce your heating and cooling bills. Many students who live in older houses or apartments may be prone to increased drafts through doors and windows. A solution to these drafts is to seal any cracks or gaps in windows and doors with weather stripping. Weatherstripping is a product you can easily install and is customizable to your application. Many stores carry this product such as The Home Depot, Walmart, and Amazon. Reducing drafts is crucial in the colder seasons as a home's heating system will work harder against the cold to keep you warm.
In conclusion, reducing your energy consumption isn't just about being environmentally conscious—it's also a smart financial decision. By using the tips and strategies shared in this article, you have the power to significantly lower your energy bills. Remember, even small changes in your daily energy-saving routines can add up to substantial savings, it just makes sense.