It’s that time of year again! School is in full swing, we are busy with extracurriculars and work, and we have to find time to apply for internships and full-time jobs! Whether you are looking to go back home, stay in La Crosse, or try out a new city, there are always helpful tips available as you prepare for this exciting new experience.
One of my fellow peer mentors happened to have an internship in a new city, so let’s see what they had to say about their experience!
Where was your internship this past summer?
American Family Insurance Corporate Headquarters in Madison, WI
Where is your hometown?
Onalaska, WI
What is your major?
What did you do for your internship?
My job title was a Financial Reporting and Controls Intern. My responsibilities consisted of:
Piloting a new method using a cloud-based system to receive testing documents.
Verifying 15 different internal controls to ensure they were operating effectively.
Recording documents for our team in the share drive using Excel to organize the folders more efficiently.
What was it like living away from family and friends?
I lived with two friends from high school, which was a great experience. We also shared the apartment with a guy from Germany. It was really cool getting to know him and learn more about the German culture and language.
Did you face any big financial struggles during that time? If so, how did you overcome them?
I noticed that I ended up spending more money going out to eat than usual. We would try to make meals to share, but that was sometimes hard to coordinate. Some of my favorite times at the apartment were grilling brats and making jambalaya with my roommates.
How did you prep for living in a new city?
I did not do too much to prepare. I knew Madison fairly well before moving there because I have visited many times before.
What was your overall experience of living in a new city? Is it a place you would consider moving back to once you graduate?
This was the first time that I have not lived in the La Crosse area, so it was a little bit of an adjustment. I loved living in Madison near campus in sort of a downtown area. It was a great place to be during the summer with all of the events going on and nature nearby to enjoy. I do not see myself moving to Madison after graduation, because I think that I want to go to an even bigger city.
Do you have any tips or suggestions for someone who is looking to do the same thing?
Talk to employers about if they offer housing for you or a relocation package. I was able to get a “signing bonus” to help offset the housing cost. It is also good to join off campus housing pages of universities in the area. I am now looking for a place to live in Minneapolis for the Spring semester, and that is how I am looking for one.
Hopefully you found some of his answers helpful in whatever you decide to do with your future!
Stay frugal my friends!