The clocks have been rolled back and we’re fully in the autumnal season! November is often a time of indulgence – curling up in a sweater on cold, rainy days; eating lots of food around the holidays; and becoming a bit more sedentary (maybe that’s just me, though?!). If this sounds familiar, now is a GREAT time to challenge yourself! End the year as strongly as you begin the year! Develop habits now that will continue into the winter months and the new year! What’s something you’ve been wanting to try, but simply haven’t yet? Make that a goal you strive for! If it helps, use your bullet journal to track your progress!
Here are my top two tips for the month of November!
1. Get Creative
Before you reply, “but I’m not a creative person,” know that I’m not asking you to turn your bullet journal into a work of art, but challenge yourself this month to do something you haven’t done before! Maybe you add color to your bullet journal, maybe you challenge yourself to improve your handwriting, or maybe you add dimension and layers to your pages. Whatever your ideas, change at least one of them from an idea into a reality! By adding a bit of variety to your bullet journal, you might find yourself adding a bit of variety to your day-to-day life!!
I’ve included a monthly spread I’m trying for November – a new design for me – along with a few of my favorite weekly spread ideas. Feel free to print these and stick them in your bullet journal! I purposely left them a little bare because I challenge you to take these ideas – along with others you like – and give them a try! Add important dates, the weather forecast, a daily affirmation, etc.! Make your bullet journal work for you!

2. Get Tracking
One of my favorite uses for a bullet journal is to track habits! I have tried a bunch of different designs for habit tracking, and I’ve found that, regardless of the design, having a tracker has helped me become more accountable to myself. I started simply tracking how much sleep I got and how much water I consumed. Eventually, I added in physical exercise and my mood. I know also track if I’ve read non-work material, if I spent money that day, if I practiced Spanish, and if I felt fulfilled.
Whatever habits you’re hoping to gain (or drop), help keep yourself accountable by documenting your progress, give yourself grace if you miss the mark, and jump back in after you’ve pushed “reset” on the day!
Track the Past
Order the Present
Design the Future
Happy journaling, folx!