Provided by IMC! Mentor: Josh Strauss

Discovering a new hobby is an incredibly rewarding experience. It is fun going through the process of initial interest, learning more about it, and, if all goes well, getting started. Many hobbies require an investment to be fully on board but just getting your toes wet and trying something doesn’t always have to break the bank. Here is a list of 5 hobbies you can start today with little to no initial investment:
1.) Cooking
Taking a pizza out of the freezer and putting it into the oven doesn’t count. I mean put all the ingredients together from scratch. Cooking doesn’t have to be a chore; I would argue it is more of an art than anything. Not to mention it is healthier, saves more money, and is tastier than buying premade meals. How many birds is that with one stone?
2.) Investing
I find it fun imagining how the future will look and finding companies that I think have the biggest role in that future. But there seems to be a notion that investing requires large sums of money. This is certainly not the case. Many brokerages offer fractional trading without any transaction fees. This means you can start investing with as little as a penny.
3.) Discover New Music
There is an incredibly large amount of music being made every day that is there for the exploring. Music services such as Spotify and Pandora have free streaming options and student discounts for Premium membership which often include exploration features such as radios, related artists, and personally curated discover weekly playlists. Discovering a new song is exciting whether you’re trying to create a perfect playlist, refine your musical taste, or just looking for some fresh sounds.
4.) Drawing
If you are taking notes for class, chances are that you already have everything you need. If you’re not sure how to get started, there are many drawing YouTube videos and just pick one that strikes your interest. Or just start doodling and let your mind wander. There is no right way to do art, just enjoy it.
5.) Learn a New Language
Do you have plans to go to a non-english speaking country someday or want to speak to others in their native language? It doesn’t require a formal class to learn a new language. Apps like Babbel and Duolingo have free options for learning a new language. I have tried Duolingo and enjoyed how the lessons were set up as mini-games, and, to reinforce your learning, you get three mistakes before you are done for the day.